
About Us

"Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat."

Sun Tzu – The Art Of War



Top tier comprehensive skill portfolio from marketing, finance, business development, IT, software engineering, search engines, social platforms, creatives, etc. to ensure propositions are strategized, articulated, managed, executed, and supported for results that are progressive and constant.


We focus on both the micro and macro context to articulate, execute and manage digital marketing initiatives which are not shallow, ad-hoc, superfluous, and full of hype and hot air.


We take a sensible approach in all our undertakings. We stay away from jargon, hype and bring in top-tier competencies through internal resourcing and strategic partnerships to ensure tier-1 competencies in all the pertinent skill areas.

Track Record

Let our work represent us. Refer to the Featured Clients and Media sectiond. Visit our media page www.flareup.digital/media to get a glimpse of your work.